In 1984, after researching the potential for sea-rearing salmon, Akaroa farmer, Tom Bates selected Lucas Bay, a deep-water bay near the entrance to Akaroa Harbour, as the site for the proposed salmon farm. The bay looked promising, offering a good combination of depth current movement and shelter from the southerly storms. The business started with little money, but with hard work, determination and a healthy dose of kiwi ingenuity, the first pen was established and Akaroa Salmon became a reality.
As one of the pioneers of salmon farming in NZ, the team at Akaroa Salmon have learned their secrets through trial and error. Today, new technology and over 25 years of experience allow the the company to continually produce a fantastic and sustainable product.
From the outset, the principals of Akaroa Salmon made the decision to forego quantity for quality. Today the company is a thriving niche producer at the highest end of the quality salmon market, supplying New Zealand's leading chefs and the discerning diner with premium fresh and smoked salmon products. Akaroa Salmon is an exclusive brand and is not available in supermarkets.
The hands on approach adopted through economic necessity over the last 20 years has become an integral factor in the success of Akaroa Salmon. The company grow, process, pack and market their own product directly to customers within 24 hours from the Ocean to the plate.
"Our customers, who include the very best chefs in New Zealand, are passionate about food. We are equally passionate about producing the finest salmon we can, so they can create an unforgettable dining experience for their customers."